Each package has several monetary points which you can choose and once identified your preferred monetary point kindly inform us which you have chosen:
School Package
$5: Exercise books
$5: Writing materials and Geometrical set
$10: Exercise books and writing material
$10: 2 rims of printing paper
$10: Textbooks
$10: Schoolbag
$10: Writing materials for teachers
Food Package
$5: Salt and various condiments
$10: 1 packet of sugar and a dozen packets of milk
$10: Cooking oil
$25: 1 bale of Maize and 1 bale of wheat flour
$40: Various cereals
$50: Various vegetables
Clothing Package
$15: a pair of shoes
$20: a pair of school uniform for lower primary
$30: a pair of school uniform for upper primary
$50: a pair of school uniform for high school
Computer Package
We accept both new and used computers to boost the computer program within the Home and School.
By George Laiyan|2020-05-29T15:49:42+03:00May 29th, 2020|